SHG formation, up-gradation and empowerment is one of the major thrust of WS-W2D Project. WS-W2D Project in 2015-16 formed 20 new SHG groups with 255 new members. In total WS-W2D has till date 211 SHG groups with total 2513 members. In 2015-16, 4 new Village Clusters were formed in Uttar Gopalnagar-2, South Gopalnagar-1 of Patharpratima block and South Kamalpur-1 of Sagar block. Till date WS-W2D has total 36 Village clusters and 6 Union Clusters. The 211 SHGs have at present Total fund amount of Rs. 72,96,973/- out of which total amount given as internal financial assistance was Rs. 35,69,390/- thus making the Total Pass Book amount as Rs. 37,27,583/- In addition to these financial assistances given within the group members these SHGs have also availed financial assistance from local Banks for different income generating programme and have been successful in paying back the financial assistance amount to the respective banks.
• To provide rural women a platform to be united, to improve their standard of life.
• To encourage women to become self reliant.
• To support woman to identify their own inherent qualities.
• To create awareness about their scope, right and responsibility to make healthy society.
• 211 SHG's formed upto 2015-2016
• Accumulated a Fund Rs. 72,96,973/-
• 20 New SHGs with 255 members formed during 2015-16
• No. of SHGs (New+Existing) at the end of 2015-16 is 211 with 2513 members
• Own internal loan by SHGs is Rs.35,69,390/-
• Pass BookAmount of SHGs is Rs.37,27,583/-